Objectives of AsanVigyan:
• Developing ‘A Non-Zero Sum Game’ approach to education in a collaborative and co-operative learning atmosphere, where inputs from diverse fields of science and arts merge and evolve, with the final result being a win-win situation for all the stake holders in education i.e. all students, teachers, mentors, government institutions, private CSRs, NGOs and the general public.
• Bringing a paradigm shift in the minds of children, shifting focus from ‘content of science’ to the ‘method and attitude of scientific inquiry’; Children should see science not as a boring subject to rote-learn but as a real-life adventure guided by their spirit of inquiry.
- Merging aspects of science, society and arts in the process of learning; proceeding towards science-themed art studios, dramas and theaters; removing the burden of ‘boredom’ from studies.
- Creative curriculum execution in schools: (initially targeting 6th to 12th standard); fully utilizing both traditional wisdom and modern technical, digital tools and methods, thus developing small ‘concept and chapter-wise replicable modules’ for teacher training and classroom mentoring.
- Gamification of assessment with emphasis on developing ‘co-operative non-zero sum games’; Computer & card games to generate data & give accurate feedback about the learner’s progress.
- Making learners participate in the society, considering ‘Sustainable growth in terms of Education, Ethics and Economics’ with underlying education philosophy emphasizing on ‘Understanding and appreciation of natural world over accumulation of Exam Marks’.
• Initiating teacher-learner chain-reactions: Training college students or science teachers to teach secondary standard students, who in turn can teach primary standard learners and thus make the model sustainable, self-propagating and extending beyond classrooms.
• Developing a culture of discussion, experimentation, demonstration and implementation at societal level, instead of only lectures and written examinations.
• Constantly updating our understanding on what is human learning and how evolving humans learn, and taking advantage of the recent developments in cognitive sciences and psychology and implement new methods in the classroom (Learner’s Multiple Intelligences, growth mindset etc).
• Expanding and connecting different pockets of growing and evolving knowledge and translating it in multiple languages so that quality education is available free for all in the nearest future; collaboration with start-ups, NGOs any other supportive mass media-networks.
About Project AsanVigyan
Asan Vigyan was started in February, 2015 at Turbhe, Navi Mumbai by me, Nikhilesh, who joined as a scientific officer at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai after finishing graduation in Integrated Dual Degree Metallurgical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology – Banaras Hindu University, IIT-BHU, Varanasi. Asan Vigyan aims to make science education more enjoyable, at the same time relevant for empowering the students lives considering their socio-economic condition.
Asan Vigyan is an Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) Project (Not a CSR project), but it is supported by collaborations from all so many wonderful friends, family, colleagues, students and the amazing people from the scientific community. It is a deliberately heavy loss-making venture, and an open invitation for those who love to burn money to fuel the fire of scientific temper.
Asan Vigyan is creative common copy-left, you can use the content and modify it as suitable free of cost, but please cite the resource; we will be happy to know that it has been of some practical use or scientific amusement.
Want to join this science tribe ?
Mail your interest to: nikhilesh.asanvigyan@gmail.com