(Inspired by “Plenty of Room for Biology at the Bottom – An Introduction to Bionanotechnology; Ehud Gazit”) “छोटा बच्चा समझके मुझे कम न मापना ! मैं इतना छोटा हूँ की तुम देख भी नही सकते!” “Don’t count me less just because I am small! I am so small that you cannot even see!” “लेकिन मैं…
Author: Nikhilesh
What is the molecular formula of ?
Micro Cosmos
Microscopic view of the world…. ZOoming in randomly…⇓ Each and every grain of sand has a number of different minerals that give such rich color and texture when zoomed into… ___________________________________________________________________________ A typical mobile screen… On a closer look… Is an array of Red, Green and Blue LEDs! Maximum zoom (200x) gives the clear picture…_______________________________________________________________________…
Element No.1 Hydrogen
Hydrogen, literally meaning “generated from water” (2 H2 O –> 2 H2 + O2) is the simplest and the most abundant of all atoms in this universe (74% of all matter). They fuse together (nuclear fusion) and make all the stars shine. This makes it the basic raw material of all the other ‘matter’: element, compound…