need not be just a religious practice.Meditation need not be just for calming one’s mind.Meditation definitely need not be boring.Meditation need not be pleasant and full of happiness either.Meditation is a rather an instrument to study subjective experience in an unbiased way, by waking out of our ego-centric narrative of dreamy self.Mindful meditation is…
A map for learning Classical Mechanics
Science in general and physics in particular has a lot to do with measurements. But what all physical quantities do we measure and what is their significance and applications? What are fundamental and derived quantities ? The above map is a right place to begin learning physics, starting from basic and proceeding towards more complex…
The nano-wonder called graphene-oxide: Super-adsorbent sanitary napkins and super protective sanitation masks
Scientists were going gaga over wonder nano-material graphene-oxide for well over a decade but it has only recently entered the minds of manufacturers and engineers on how to take advantage of its amazing properties. But what is graphene oxide ? What are nanomaterials ? How can i make them and use them ? I am…
Asan Vigyan Science Education Journal – 1
Click the link given here to download —->Asan Vigyan Science Education Journal -1 Introduction: “If we teach the same way to today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow”, was quoted by Professsor John Dewey in the early 20th century of USA, a renowned professor of philosophy, promoter of rationality, pragmatism, reflective thinking,…